Vancouver Island Winter Getaway

Posted by Fiona Knightley on March 4, 2022

Vancouver Island is in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and part of British Columbia (Canada). This area has one of the warmest climates in Canada and lies in a temperate rainforest.

It makes for an INCREDIBLE mid-winter getaway within Canada. And let's face it, it's just an awesome place in general.😃

I enjoyed my time there so much, and was so "in the moment" that I neglected to take many photos - which is a good thing, I suppose. Anyway, here a few photos that I did manage to take ...

Cox Bay near Tofino (famous sunsets and surfing spot):

The best coffee in BC:

Incredible hike into an amazing WWII plane crash!

Check out the story HERE

Awesome pubs!

Here's a "make-your-own-black-and-tan-at-your-table-during-happy-hour-at-the-Irish-Times-Pub-in-Victoria" shot:

Dr. Xavier wasn't home. He and the rest of the X-Men must have been away saving the world, or maybe just out to the pub (see above):

If you ever get the chance to visit Vancouver Island, just do it!!

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