Posted by Fiona Knightley on September 8, 2022

Arthur’s Seat - a little hill walking. An ancient volcano named for the high ground, Archer’s Seat, so you could survey the countryside.

Tolbooth with its famous clock tower on the Royal Mile. Used for many purposes including as a prison.

Gladstone’s Land - a museum where you can touch everything, even lying down in a 17 century bed! An example of a tenement house from the 17th century when Edinburgh was a walled city and full of 7-8 story buildings crammed together with closes between them, dumping your waste out the window, thus the name Auld Reekie. Because many people couldn’t read, you would mark your building distinctively Glad = kite (hawk)

Victoria Street - another curved street

Surgeon’s Hall Museum -  No photos allowed inside so you’ll have to trust me but this was unbelievable. 3 floors of human specimens and the “tools” people have used over the centuries. It is a incredible reference tool, having an entire wall of eyeballs or human skin that has been tanned, but after a while you can only see so many tumors and oddities before it becomes a bit much.

Cool coffee bar - ok, I liked the building too.

Sun setting over BBC Scotland building. This was taken at 10:30pm

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