Preview of "Taming The Highland Laird"

Posted by Fiona Knightley on July 3, 2022

From "Taming The Highland Laird" by Fiona Knightley ...

"Darra had been missing from the Carrigan keep for over an hour. It was late. Samuel worried she would soon succumb to the elements. Though the day had been beautiful, the night would often drop to freezing. His worry rose when he thought of the wolves and bears hungry after a long hibernation. He tried pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind; standing on the balcony, he watched the edges of the woods for any sign of his wife.

"That's it," he said, storming into the room to dress in his riding clothes and ready himself for a trip into the woods. He walked into the small library where Angus was awake, waiting for any word of Darra's whereabouts. "Angus, I'm gonnae to search for her myself. Send some riders out to search as well." Angus didn't have a chance to respond before he left the room.

He went to the stables, hopped on his horse, and pressed his heels into her side to take off, rushing across the moist green hills to the woods where he thought Darra might have entered. He confirmed by footsteps in the underbrush that someone, he hoped it was her, had been walking through recently.

Just as he'd begun tracking her footsteps through the woods, he stopped and looked around feverishly as he heard a shrill scream from deeper inside the woods. 

"Darra," he said aloud and took off towards the scream."


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