This was our home for a week, Kinnaird Castle near Brechin, Angus.
Home of the Carnegie family for more than 600 years, the Duke and Duchess of Fife reside here on their 7000 acre estate. Close relatives of Her Majesty the Queen this was truly an amazing experience. We stayed in one of two self-catering apartments within the castle…..Europeans know how to holiday!
The “back” of the house which looks out onto the deer park.
Stables entrance (our front door).
Boathouse on the lake (not in use currently) of the private gardens.
I saw two large herd of deer (at least 30+ in each) on my walk, as well as grouse that are bred for shoots. For some reason I was under the impression when people participated in a shoot it was wild animals. Not so confident in that assumption any longer.
Saw many of these types of markers with Royal connections.
Part of the private gardens. No stinging nettle to be found here, unlike the wilder areas where I got lost. And yes, it really does sting!
One of the many drives to access the castle, massive trees lining the way, with a gatehouse at each entrance.
Went for a ramble, got lost, found this lake and some swans as the sun was going down. Kind of magical when there is literally not another soul around.
Front of house where the important people arrive under the porte cochere (not us, we went in the stables entrance). The clock on the tower works.
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