
Posted by Fiona Knightley on April 16, 2023

Yesterday was the 277th anniversary of Culloden, the last battle fought on British soil. A devastating end for the Jacobites who wished to see a Stuart king reclaim the throne, the Battle of Culloden Moor evokes strong emotions amongst the Scottish people still today. Historians say that it was the end of the Scottish traditional way of life. Yet it isn't as clear cut as Scottish vs English or Protestant vs Catholic but a power battle between two royal families at the expense of everyone else.

While Culloden is a place of great historical significance, it is also a graveyard. Mass graves are still visible to mark the carnage. 1500 Jacobites and 50 Hanoverian soldiers' lives were lost in 45 minutes on April 16, 1746. Walking over the haunting moor was an experience in itself. 

Culloden was the inspiration for my new series, Spirits in Time: The Forgotten Highlanders and my trip to Scotland last summer for research. Currently the first three books are in the last stages of publishing and should be in your hands soon. I am very excited for you to read them and let me know if you too dream of visiting the Bonnie Bell Inn and encountering your very own lost highlander.

The battlefield in July of 2022. It would have been much more wet, muddy and cold on that grey April morning in 1746.

Clan Campbell marker. These stones were erected in Victorian times and do not reflect where the men actually lie. Clan Fraser is the most popular (due to the Outlander effect) and just recently they have stopped allowing people to visit it, in order to preserve the surrounding environment.

Large cairn erected by the landowner in Victorian times.


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